Room 4

We are a wonderful bunch of Year 5 and 6 children in Room 4. There are 22 of us - please read our amazing blog!


Wednesday 19 March 2014

Daniel's story with COMPUTERS!!!

Chapter 1:

One day there was a boy named Daniel who went to school at 5 years old, that is also when he started wearing glasses, everybody laughed at him for quite a while. Then the teacher said "Everybody stop laughing please!" Then she said "Everybody will take turns on the computer!" Then Daniel thought to himself "What's a computer?!"

Chapter 2:

Daniel said to the teacher "Whats a computer?" Then she replied with something like "Technology, Mouse, Mouse, Games" Daniel still had completely no idea what a computer was. He asked everybody in his class what a computer was and the replies were basically "I dunno" he thought about it then obviously he forgot about it.

Chapter 3:

He had never thought about computers until year 3, three years later. After school, he looked for an online dictionary and surprisingly, he found one. Computer, computer, computer "Ahhhh, very interesting". So since his parents already had a computer, he went on it every day, and learnt more and more about computers until...

Chapter 4:

Year 5 has begun for Daniel, and he met... a huge fan of computers just like Daniel himself.  His name was Eric, the perfect friend for Daniel! Then guess what? Daniel learnt alot more about computers and when he says "alot" he means "ALOT!" He then got a laptop of his own, the Windows 8 Sony and VIAO Red Laptop.

Chapter 5:

Year 6, finally, the first few weeks at Room 4 was amazing, everyone in my class (and a few other kids) already knew that Daniel was "THE" expert at computers, and this is who he is today.

By Daniel Shen

Eleisha's limerick


There once was a girl called Eleisha
who sings while brushing her teeth-a
The toothpaste goes everywhere
Oh what a nightmare!
She had a best friend called Nisha

Chloe's Limerick

There once lived a girl called Chloe
Who always stubbed her big toey
Her nose was always full of blood
She bruised her body and that's odd
Now she shouts random words crazy!

By Chloe

Daniel's Limerick!

This is my Limerick, enjoy! 

There once was a boy named Samuel
Who is really, really, quite cool
He knows all about the computer
And is a truly awesome gamer
Oh! His name is really Daniel! 

By Daniel 

My limerick Poem

This is my Limerick

My name is Gus
I drive a big bus
I like to sing in public
the song from One Republic
But that causes a very big fuss!

Jaxon's limerick

This is my cool limerick  - enjoy!

Once there was a boy who liked to whizz
and like to watch coke fizz
his dad works at coke
so he threw in some yoke
and also was a math whizz!

And that is my limerick.  Thanks for looking


Tuesday 18 March 2014


We played with all the noodles and we had lots of splashes and AWESOME fun!
 Room 4 was practising doing huddles and keeping warm in the pool (even though we were

The Help Position

The HELP Position

On Thusday 19 of Febuary we learnt the help position. So if you get stranded at sea you know what to do.  H means heat,  E means escape,  L means lessening, P means position.

Monday 17 March 2014

Room 4's Happy St Patrick's Day

'Fiddley, diddley, dee.  Potato, potato, potato!  Happy St Patrick's Day"

Today we learnt about what St Patrick's Day was all about.  Patrick was born in Scotland.  He immigrated to Europe, then went back to Ireland to try to get the Irish to learn about catholicism.  Some people believe that he got rid of all the snakes in Ireland but this wasn't true because there were no snakes native to Ireland!

We all dressed up in green and we had fun doing Irish stuff!!!