Room 4

We are a wonderful bunch of Year 5 and 6 children in Room 4. There are 22 of us - please read our amazing blog!


Wednesday 19 March 2014

Daniel's story with COMPUTERS!!!

Chapter 1:

One day there was a boy named Daniel who went to school at 5 years old, that is also when he started wearing glasses, everybody laughed at him for quite a while. Then the teacher said "Everybody stop laughing please!" Then she said "Everybody will take turns on the computer!" Then Daniel thought to himself "What's a computer?!"

Chapter 2:

Daniel said to the teacher "Whats a computer?" Then she replied with something like "Technology, Mouse, Mouse, Games" Daniel still had completely no idea what a computer was. He asked everybody in his class what a computer was and the replies were basically "I dunno" he thought about it then obviously he forgot about it.

Chapter 3:

He had never thought about computers until year 3, three years later. After school, he looked for an online dictionary and surprisingly, he found one. Computer, computer, computer "Ahhhh, very interesting". So since his parents already had a computer, he went on it every day, and learnt more and more about computers until...

Chapter 4:

Year 5 has begun for Daniel, and he met... a huge fan of computers just like Daniel himself.  His name was Eric, the perfect friend for Daniel! Then guess what? Daniel learnt alot more about computers and when he says "alot" he means "ALOT!" He then got a laptop of his own, the Windows 8 Sony and VIAO Red Laptop.

Chapter 5:

Year 6, finally, the first few weeks at Room 4 was amazing, everyone in my class (and a few other kids) already knew that Daniel was "THE" expert at computers, and this is who he is today.

By Daniel Shen

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