Room 4

We are a wonderful bunch of Year 5 and 6 children in Room 4. There are 22 of us - please read our amazing blog!


Thursday 17 April 2014


This is our fantastic slideshow.  It was put together by Bill and Danika. I enjoyed putting together every part of this but if I had to pick one, my favourite part would have to be putting the slideshow in action especially the part about the stewardesses. Bill couldn't make it to tell me his favourite part but I'm pretty sure it would be finding the information about planes. Man, he LOVES planes.


Tuesday 15 April 2014

Daniel and Chloe's Computer Powerpoint!

Hello! This is a powerpoint made by Chloe and Daniel (but mostly Daniel), about computers of course because Daniel is an expert at them. There are 12 slides in the whole powerpoint. There is a little surprise at the end. Enjoy!

Games Slideshow

Anthony, Taylah and Jayden Games Presentation from Room4hps

My favourite slide was the Xbox slide because I never knew that the Xbox was first released on November 16, 2001 in the United States. Anthony

My slide that I found most interesting is the Family Computer because it was released by Nintendo to run old video games. Anthony

My slide that I found most weird is the Magnavox Odyssey because it looks like it doesn't seem to have a big screen. Anthony

Friday 11 April 2014

Room 4's Leprechauns and Limericks!

On the 3rd of April 2014, Daniel made an awesome slideshow about room 4's amazing items, leprechauns and limericks! The slideshow/powerpoint went in a pattern, leprechaun, limerick, leprechaun and so on. Let me tell you my limerick...

"There once was a boy named Samuel,
Who is really, really, quite cool,
He knows all about the computer,
And is a truly awesome gamer,
Oh! His name is really Daniel"

There were about 7 limericks and 7 leprechauns so it was quite even. Some students didn't even want to say anything and my guess is that they were shy.

Thanks for looking!


On the 7th and the 9th of April, the Auckland Rugby team came to our school to teach us some tips in ripper rugby! They taught us all sorts of stuff like: dodging skills, running skills and other things I can not think of right now. We'll any way let's get to the point. During those days we had lots of fun playing lots of games to pick up on our skills. Just like all the inventors back then- they had to practice and practice their inventing skills! I learnt lots of stuff and I definitely improved in my running!!! Well that is all Iv'e got today folks!

P.S practice, practice, practice makes perfect!

By Chloe

Danika Poster

Rugby is a very common sport which involves a rugby ball. Our National Team is the All Blacks and they have had an unbeaatable season. The captain of the team is Riche McCaw and he is known to be the best capped player EVER!! That's right the most capped player EVER!!! Now I think I have given you enough info.


Awesome Assembly Item

Here is a video of our item last week.  Unfortunately due to technical difficulties, the beginning did not get on to this video version.
Hopefully you get some idea of what happened.
I will also try to download the power point slide show that went with our item.


Wednesday 9 April 2014

Digging the Time Capsule Hole!

Mr Jackson and Mr Ashley are digging the hole under the chess board  to put the time capsule in.
It was extremely loud because they were using a big drill!  It looked like it was really hard for them because the drill looked super heavy.  As the drill went down, the dirt was moving all around but they were making a deep, wide, medium-sized hole.  They did an awesome job!

Thursday 3 April 2014

Daniel's COMPUTER AND LAPTOP poster!

This is my poster about my favourite thing and the thing I'm an expert at... COMPUTERS and LAPTOPS! The black things you can see there are wires or labels, that picture is my exact laptop, let me tell you some facts. The smallest laptop, open, is about the size of an iPad mini, if not, it's even smaller! The most commonly used windows are: Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Vista. The inside of a laptop or a computer is called the "hardware", the things you can download, or programmes are called the software. Computers and laptops can be used for: games, videos, programmes, communication. This is an estimation from the internet, but there are about 1,966,514,816 computers in the world. I hope you've learnt more about computers and laptops!

Wednesday 2 April 2014

The good ol' days!

On Friday the 28th of March, the senior school went to the Howick Historical Village. First, room 4 went to the old classroom, unfortunately the old teacher got an injury, so a new teacher replaced her... for now. She looked at our nails, most of us were fine, but some people had nail polish, and the teacher called it "the virus infection". The teacher was SUPER strict! After that, we went to the court house, room 4 did a play on a true story that happened in that exact same house. Boy was it funny! We went to this huge building where we were kind of like pirates. ARRRRRR! We dug for some treasure but the boxes were quite small, so we got to use the end of a paint brush, I found about 6 things in total. Those were the fun activities my group (Daniel, Anthony, Jaxon, Jade, and that's all I can remember) got to participate in!

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Grand Parents Day!

This is one of the grand parents that came into Room 4 to talk to us about their school days when they went to school. We asked Dave (the grand parent in the picture) a few questions about what he might have had different in his school days! Here is a question we asked him: What were their punishments? He answered teachers very strict, the teacher made them stand in the corner for 10 mins and then sometimes whacked the cane on their hand! Grand Parents Day was more fun than we thought!

By Chloe and Nisha ;)