Room 4

We are a wonderful bunch of Year 5 and 6 children in Room 4. There are 22 of us - please read our amazing blog!


Thursday 27 February 2014

Measuring in the morning!

Today we went outside and did some awesome math. Room 4 all got to trace themselves with chalk and measure to see how wide we are and also how long we are.  I thought It was fun because Chloe was my partner and she drew me in underwear and I drew her in normal clothes, or should I say weird.  Everyone got covered in chalk!  It was fun.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Daniel's Funny Stories!

Hi, Daniel here,
Today I made two funny stories made of word dominoes, enjoy!

I like eating my big toe because it has so much red apple juice inside it and it has a lot of apple "skin" on the outside with an extra hard slice of strawberry!!

My cat can talk because he is Garfield (even though I don't have a cat) and Daniel had magiclly made his cat talk with his special wand and Daniel said "EXPELIARMUSANKRANKRANKONIASHOSANGIUSINOMBOSCANACKARANGDOHARANKA!!!"

Friday 21 February 2014

The Help position

In this picture we are practising the help position.  It means Heat Escape Lessening Position.  If you were wondering where you would use this position, it would be in the ocean to trap heat in.

Huddling in room4

We are learning the H.E.L.P* position so if we are in a dangerous situation out at sea we know what to do.


The Help position

On Thursday the 19th of February we did the HELP position in our school pool with life jackets on. We had to put our feet up and our arms up to help keep us warm.  It was fun!  

Sunday 16 February 2014

What is a glyph?

A glyph is a type of graph that can be used to display information in picture form.

We chose to create aliens that would tell you about us.  
We then decided on the sorts of things we would put on our alien - both things about us, and how these would be represented.  For example, the head shape would tell you if we had pets or not, the arm colour would tell you if we were a year 5 or 6, and where our eyes are would tell you the colour of our hair!
The kids really enjoyed creating their aliens.  Come in to Room 4 and see them all on display.

Plane Alien

The reason it's called the Plane Alien is because it has plane wings.

              It have has a round head because I have no pets.

   It has a funny shape because my favourite animal is a monkey.

                  It has blue arms because i'm a year five.

                      It has long feet because i'm a boy.

             It has sharp teeth because I'm nine years old.

By Bill



Danika's Alien Slave

As you can see my latest Alien Slave has got a square body meaning I love dogs and because my body shape colour is black that means my favourite colour is black.  My head is shaped like a triangle which means I have got pets.  My legs are flowy because my favourite outdoor activity is swimming. My eyes are on my arms which means my hair is black.  My arms are orange meaning I am a year 6. Also my feet are as fluffy as a cloud meaning I am a girl. My teeth are curvy meaning I am 10 years old. Now the reason I named it Danika's Alien Slave is because it was the first thing that popped into my head!!!!                                   By Danika

Thursday 13 February 2014

Anthony's Fantastic Octopus

My alien is the Four Legged Tri Headed Mutant Octopus and the green triangle body means that I like big cats and my favourite colour is green. The flowy legs mean that my favourite outdoor activity is swimming. Also the big curvy teeth mean that I'm 10 years old. Did you notice that the eyes were on it's feet? Well I have brown hair to make that. The orange wavy arms mean that I am a year six! Also the long spiky feet are saying that I'm a boy. The last detail that says something about me is the tri  triangle heads. They mean that I have pets.   By Anthony

Lord of the Lizards,

My body is blue because it's my favourite colour.  My crown is pink. My feet are red and long because I am a boy. My eyes are yellow and on my feet because I have brown hair. My tongue is blue.    By Nate

Moustache Man

My body shape is squiggly because I like monkeys.
My hair is brown hair so I had to put my eyes on
my feet - it was really funny. I had really cool fluffy feet they are so fluffy. My body is yellow because
its my favourite colour. My arms are blue because
I am a year five.
By Shenaigh

My Awesome Weirdo Buttler

My weird alien has a square shape because I love big cats like cheetahs and also my body is orange because orange is my favourite colour. I am a year 5 because my arms are orange.  My feet are fluffy because I am a girl. My head shape is a triangle because I have pets.     By Taylah

My Awesome Sea Monster

My sea monster has a purple body because purple is my favorite colour. My eyes are on my arms because my hair is black. My legs are curvy because I like theme parks. My arms are blue because I am a year 5. My feet are fluffy because I am a girl. My head is a triangle because I have a pet. My teeth are sharp because I'm 9 years old.             By Karen

Super Shapes Glyph

This is my awesome Glyph called Super Shapes. He has a blue body because it is my favourite colour. He has eyes on his feet because my hair is brown. His head is made out of triangles because I have a pet.                    By Nisha

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Gus's awesome alien invasion

My alien has a circle head because I have no pets at all. My feet are long because I am a boy. My legs are spiky because I love sport.  By Gus

Leigh's alien

My alien is called Saber Alien of Doom. The body means I like dinosaurs and my favourite colour is red.         The arms are blue which means I am a year 5. The eyes on my arms means  I have black hair.             The head means I have no pets. The legs are flowy because I love swimming.  By Leigh

My Alien Slurb

This is my alien glyph, his name is Slurb. His body shape is squiggly because I like monkeys, his eyes are on his feet because I have brown hair, his legs are flowy because I like swimming, his arm are blue because I'm a year five.         By Jasmine

Eleisha's Fiffy Alien

I chose to make my glyph aliens body red because it is my favourite colour. It is a square body because my favourite animal is a dog. It's eyes are on my feet because my hair is brown.
By Eleisha


My glyph aliens body is shaped like a semi circle because I like dinosaurs. My aliens eyes are on its feet because I have brown hair. My body is orange because it is my favourite colour. My arms are blue because I am a year 5.

By Thomas Bloxham

Chloe's Spectacular Alien glyph

My aliens body shape is flowy because I love monkeys the best. It has orange arms which means I am a year 6 at school. The triangular heads tells you that I have pets!

By Chloe

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Our First Days At School

The first few days were really good because it's really fun to learn and we did really exciting things like swimming and Donut News. By Anthony

Our first two days of school have been great!  First day was great at school because it's fun learning!  by Nathanael

Our first two days have been awesome so far. I have also been waiting to see all my friends.   By Leigh 

Our first two days at school were fantastic so far because we went swimming and we are now seniors.
By Jade

The first couple of days I have had butterflies in my stomach because I'm a senior and I have to do all the jobs and show the rest of the school that I'm a role model! By Shenaigh

My first couple of days this year have been a great experience because I have already made new friends and got to know the teachers well! I am looking forward to netball this year! 
By Chloe

My first three days at Howick Primary have been amazing for me. I am looking forward to the rest of this year!
By Danika
My first three days at Howick Primary School were really awesome for me - I can't wait for later in the year! By Eleisha

I have really enjoyed the first couple of days because I have met LOTS of new people! 
By Jasmine

My first days back at school have been a great experience.  I have made a lot of new friends.  Being a year 5 is amazing I can't believe I'm a senior!  I can't wait till I show the whole school that I'm a really good role model 
By Taylah

The past days being a year six have been awesome.  I have made heaps of new friends and met new teachers.  It has been so cool because I love to learn and Mrs Simpson is so nice!
By Nisha

On my first days back at school I have actually had a very good time.

I have enjoyed the past few days at school and look forward to the year.  For some reason year five seems easy.
By Bill

My couple of days were amazing because there was easy work to do.
By Karen

My first few days have been so fun because  I enjoyed the swimming and art.
By Jennifer
My first few days have been so fun. My favourite thing so far is swimming & new playground rules.
By Thomas 

My few days have been so fun.  My favourite so far is doing maths with the class &
I like the new playground rules.
By Jinglong

My first few days at school have been so much fun. I have enjoyed playing with my friends and meeting my new teacher.
By Jaxon 

My first few days at school were completely amazing because I got to meet my friends once again.
By Daniel