Room 4

We are a wonderful bunch of Year 5 and 6 children in Room 4. There are 22 of us - please read our amazing blog!


Monday 24 November 2014

Our Amazing and Adventurous trip to Bucklands Beach

The day had come...

We were off sailing on some yachts.  We enthusiastically learnt how to steer, how to catch the wind and how to turn.  During the morning we had 4 races, Nisha won the first race, Karen won the second, Jade won the third and Jeremy won the last one (but he cheated)!!!

Once we finished the races, everybody went into total chaos!  People were jumping in the water, they were splashing each other on the boats and they were capsizing.

We really enjoyed our time at the beach!

Friday 21 November 2014


When I first found out room 4 was playing cricket on Monday in the hall I was so happy! I am really good because I have had a lot of experience at school. FIrst we went in the hall and we met Ian. Then we practised over and under arm. After we did that we played diamond cricket which is like t-ball and that's what they call it in England. When it was my turn to hit the ball I made a home run! It was so fun!

Cricket in the hall!

Ian, who I like to call the professional cricket player, taught most of us how to play cricket! First we learnt how to catch the ball, sounds easy right? No, it was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life! Just kidding! Then we played actual cricket, the opposing team started to bat, then we batted, and so on and so forth. In the end, the opposite tem won by a hair. Most people found out that in the end, it doesn't even matter, it's all about fun.

Monday 3 November 2014

My Spectacular Zoo Experience

O M G!!!

We are actually here at Auckland Zoo!!

Our amazing zoo experience started at school in class.

We were pumped to travel to Auckland Zoo.

But before we could even look at any of the animals we had a quick talk with the zoo keeper and staff and went over the rules.

After we had a few hours or so to go and explore the zoo! It was very interesting!

Next we had a mouth watering lunch with everyone so that we had loads of energy. Just when you thought it was over we had a long yet interesting talk about... BIRDS!!

But that is not all... once we left out this door, we were lead to a tank but not just any tank a gigantic tank filled with...   Creepy Eels!! Their large eyes were burning at you and we learnt a few facts. To be honest with you I was too interested in the eels that I wasn't really listening!! Anyway lets move on...

After learning heaps about eels we learnt about ... Geese!! Believe it or not, the zoo keepers set up fake geese on an island to attract more geese. How cool is that?

Sadly, our zoo experience came to an end!I found the zoo an amazing opportunity to learn about animals. Such as Eels, Otters, Giraffes, Zebras and many more more!!

By:Danika S

Teacher:  I love your use of interesting language to grab the readers attention.
Don't use too many exclamation marks though  - not every sentence needs one...

The awesome zoo

On Monday I had a awesome day at the zoo it was so much fun we got to see all kinds  of animals
My group got to see a graffie run and it was only a little baby when it got close to the fence it skided a little bit it nearly hit the fence.we walked around more and we saw zebras they were eating food under the deck.Some people got to sit on the fake elephant and Mrs simpson took a photo of us
We had a really fun day at the zoo everyone loved it but I really really loved it.

Peer Assessment: Great recount! I like your writing but you might need to work on some punctuation. It would have been even better if you had use some similes and good adjectives too.

- Daniel

Our Fantastic Trip to the Zoo! By Anthony

On Monday of week two, nearly the whole senior school went to the zoo! Everyone was excited to see lots of the animals that was there. When we got there, we were allowed to look around the Australian and other parts of the zoo before we got told about most of the animals that we were going past. So my group (Daniel, Jade Jing Long my mum and I) first saw the giraffes and zebras. I thought that they looked really cool because I had never seen any zoo animals because I've never been to the zoo and I noticed that they all had really cool patterns. Then after we had taken some photos, we saw the frightening lions! There was three but only one of them was visible to basically everyone. There was a second one behind the hill but I think that there was a third one inside. After that, we saw the amazing hippopotamuses! They were being lazy by lying in the burning sand doing nothing. Next to the hippopotamuses were the fighting seagulls! They were flying around probably to scare each other. Then we were able to see the red pandas! It was soooo cute!! Daniel managed to get a picture of it hanging upside down! We were waiting for my mum to finish taking photos because it was taking up quite a bit of our time. Once she finished, we saw the lemurs because they were right next to each other. My mum took some more photos. Then we had to look for Central Garden. Turns out that it's right next to the red pandas. Then we got "toured" around the New Zealand part of the zoo. I found  the zoo trip very interesting and very cool because it was my first time to the zoo!

Pretty much perfect, good  use of punctuation and words I think you could have made it more exciting by use better words, because the reader could have fallen asleep quite fast! I  rate it 99.999999999999% (:

Teacher:  When you peer assess, don't forget to put your name!
I like the adjectives you have added Anthony.  Could you add some more?

The amazing zoo!

"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round, all day long!" Finally we arrived at the zoo! First my group (Me, Jinglong, Jade, Anthony and Anthony's mum) and I went to the tall-necked giraffes, there were a few zebras next to the giraffes in the same area! Next we went to the lions, they said "ROAR!!!" really quietly! After a few more boring animals, we saw the cute, little red pandas, They were so CUTE!!! They had red tails with black stripes on it. Next we met at the central lawn for morning tea, I saw a few of my friends that were not in my group! 5 minutes after our morning tea we saw some ring-tailed lemurs that were staring in
 our souls... just kidding! After lunch we saw the zoo specialists play with the tigers, another "ROAR!" Oh my! A lemur tunnel, maybe we should go down it! Ahhhh! a lemur jumped onto the glass on top of my face! We saw what seemed to be a "fake" crocodile! Wow! What a trip!!

Teacher comment: Great recount of what happened at the zoo! Maybe you could think of a couple of sentences to end/round up your paragraph.